Test-taking skills are important assets that help individuals flourish and excel in school and beyond, but many students struggle with test anxiety. Learning relaxation techniques and strategies to reframe tests as opportunities will help students go from surviving in school to thriving. This Resource Series publication contains a comprehensive 12-week curriculum including lesson plans, suggestions and reproducible materials for use with a group or class. Updated in 2019 to align with the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors.
Lessons include:
Week 1: Getting Started
Week 2: Setting SMART(ER) Goals
Week 3: Regulating Anxiety
Week 4: Systematic Desensitization
Week 5: Math Magic
Week 6: A Welcome Challenge
Week 7: Visualizing Success
Week 8: Plan B is Sometimes Plan A
Week 9: Mastering Study Skills and Mastering Anxiety
Week 10: Putting It all Together
Week 11: Final Opportunities
Week 12: Celebrating Success